I know it’s only been in the US since Lea and Perrins brought it over from the UK in 1837, but it’s about time we get it right. It’s been a problem for far too long. I myself used to mumbled my way through it like this fella:
Not this year though. It’s “worse-ta-sure“. I think “worse-ta-sheer” is also acceptable, but never, EVER, “war-chester-shire“. As a matter of fact, that may be a New Year’s resolution I can stick with for 2010. I am now making it my mission to educate people and finally eradicate WarChesterShire from the English language. Who’s with me?
Ron Matthews says
In the UK Worcestershire Sauce is widely referred to as “woos-ter sauce”. The first syllable is short, like puss, rather than long as in rooster. I have no idea when the last syllable was abandoned, but I have called it by the shortened form for the last sixty years.